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Users Endpoint

This endpoint allows you to list the user logins in your workspace.

Listing Users

A GET returns the users in your workspace, ordered by newest created first.

  • email - the email address of the user (string), filterable as email.
  • first_name - the first name of the user (string).
  • last_name - the last name of the user (string).
  • role - the role of the user (string), filterable as role.
  • team - team user belongs to (object).
  • created_on - when this user was created (datetime).


GET /api/v2/users.json


    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
        "avatar": "https://..."
        "email": "bob@flow.com",
        "first_name": "Bob",
        "last_name": "McFlow",
        "role": "agent",
        "team": {"uuid": "f5901b62-ba76-4003-9c62-72fdacc1b7b7", "name": "All Topics"},
        "created_on": "2013-03-02T17:28:12.123456Z"