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Channels Endpoint

This endpoint allows you to list channels in your account.

Listing Channels

A GET returns the list of channels for your organization, in the order of last created. Note that for Android devices, all status information is as of the last time it was seen and can be null before the first sync.

  • uuid - the UUID of the channel (string), filterable as uuid.
  • name - the name of the channel (string).
  • address - the address (e.g. phone number, Twitter handle) of the channel (string), filterable as address.
  • type - the type of the channel (e.g. android, facebook, telegram, twilio, vonage...)
  • country - which country the sim card for this channel is registered for (string, two letter country code).
  • device - information about the device if this is an Android channel:
    • name - the name of the device (string).
    • power_level - the power level of the device (int).
    • power_status - the power status, either CHA (charging) or DIS (discharging) (string).
    • power_source - the source of power as reported by Android (string).
    • network_type - the type of network the device is connected to as reported by Android (string).
  • last_seen - the datetime when this channel was last seen (datetime).
  • created_on - the datetime when this channel was created (datetime).


GET /api/v2/channels.json

Response containing the channels for your organization:

    "next": null,
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
        "uuid": "09d23a05-47fe-11e4-bfe9-b8f6b119e9ab",
        "name": "Android Phone",
        "address": "+250788123123",
        "type": "android",
        "country": "RW",
        "device": {
            "name": "Nexus 5X",
            "power_level": 99,
            "power_status": "STATUS_DISCHARGING",
            "power_source": "BATTERY",
            "network_type": "WIFI",
        "last_seen": "2016-03-01T05:31:27.456",
        "created_on": "2014-06-23T09:34:12.866",